Friday, May 15, 2020

Analyze These Benefits Before Accepting a Job Offer

Analyze These Benefits Before Accepting a Job Offer â€" Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comWhen you are looking for a job, it can sometimes be difficult to look at an offer objectively, especially if you have the pressure of bills to pay. This lack of objectivity often leads us to consider only the salary offer and not the overall benefits package.Once you get started with a company and get those bills paid, you might realize how important some of these other benefits are to you. Unfortunately, it can be hard to negotiate for some benefits after the fact.Before you even start looking, decide what benefits are important to you and then look for companies that have them. Some benefits you can negotiate for after a job offer is made, but there might be some the company cannot or will not offer. Knowing what is important to you before the process will make the final decision of applying or accepting an offer easy.evalTo help you get started thinking about what benefits are important to you, consider these five common ones:1. Flextime/Remote WorkevalO nce a rarity, this benefit is becoming more common but is not a given. Some positions are just not suited When you have to plan for your own retirement, starting early allows things like compound interest to do the heavy lifting. While you are responsible for your own retirement account, you should look for a company that will help you with either stock options, matching contributions to a 401One of the fun things about a new job is the possibility of new technology. One the other hand, there is the possibility of having to work with old, outdated equipment or software. If your position is one that is reliant upon technology, make sure you get a guarantee before taking the job that you will have the correct tools.Another consideration is the smartphone. If you are expected to be out of the office on a regular basis, but staying in touch or making regular calls to clients, negotiate for either a company phone or an allowance towards your personal phone. If you have to work on the roa d regularly, you might also ask for a mobile hotspot for your phone, making working on the road easier.eval5) Professional DevelopmentIt is important to stay current with the developments and changes in your industry. The best way to do this is through membership in professional organizations and attending seminars or yearly conferences. Many employers will have a policy in place for professional development stipends.Before saying yes to the job, make sure that you and your position are eligible for this stipend. If there is nothing in place, negotiate now to get it included in your benefits package. Every field will be a little different, so research what is the average stipends for your field.This is not a comprehensive list. Benefits will vary among positions and industries. Use this as a starting point to discover what is important to you and move forward.Benefits should either help you live a better life or help you excel at your job. Knowing what is available upfront is better than learning after you have already started the job that they will never let you flex, or pay for professional development.

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