Sunday, September 6, 2020

How I Measure Success Of Lawyers I Coach

Developing the Next Generation of Rainmakers How I Measure Success of Lawyers I Coach As you know I regularly provide both individual and group coaching for groups of lawyers in law firms. I believe strongly that having a group of lawyers learning together creates a greater change an success. A managing partner recently asked how the lawyers in the coaching program had done. It takes time for client development to actually produce new clients and revenue. So, I measure success by what each lawyer I coach is doing that will produce future business. I ask myself: Has this lawyer…: On Friday I received an email from a lawyer I coached four years ago. She described how the changes she made had ultimately resulted in getting new business. She told me: Over the last four years since participating in coaching program, I have developed a fairly significant book of business.  I am currently going through the firm’s partnership review process and have received multiple comments on how impressed partners are with the book of business I have developed.  In a business development meeting today a partner who has been practicing law for over 35 years commented on how my business development activities inspire him to work harder at business development. Her email shows that when you make the changes and get focused, over time you will achieve the ultimate goal-building a book of business. I practiced law for 37 years developing a national construction law practice representing some of the top highway and transportation construction contractors in the US.

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